Swans – The Seer
Each year in December I scan Metacritic and music blogs looking for interesting new music. Something out of my comfort zone. Last year it was Tune-Yards, ‘Whokill'. This year it's The Seer, by Swans.

I don't know how to describe it. I've never been much into "post-rock" but this is something different. I think. At 2 hours long, <em>The Seer</em> is not something to be taken lightly. Neither is it something that makes sense to listen to casually. It's a little demanding, but rewards careful, deliberate consideration.
The first half makes my guts hurt. The second half seems to present a touch of hope. The entire thing is loud and confusing and completely fascinating. I thought this from <a href="http://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16964-the-seer/">Pitchfork</a> was appropriate:
With the exception of some amplifier distortion, the album puts incredible emphasis on the human body's capacity to beat the shit out of an instrument in a far more satisfying way than machines ever could.
After listening to the record non-stop for a week I still can't figure it out. And I don't want to stop trying.