Leeloo 2005-2016

Leeloo. 2005-2016
Shortly after Christmas, 2005, my daughter surprised me by taking me to the local Humane Society and handing me an envelope with enough money for an adoption. She wanted me to pick out a new puppy. We already had 2 dogs at the time so I wasn’t exactly keen on getting a third, but I said I’d take a look.
I immediately fell in love with an adorable pit bull mix and we took her home. She was strong and beautiful so I decided to name her “Leeloo”, after Milla Jovovich’s strong, odd, and beautiful character in “The Fifth Element”.
Leeloo had funny ears and the sweetest disposition. I loved her.
A few weeks ago she stopped eating. After about a week we learned that her kidneys were failing, and quickly. We tried a number of treatments but her condition continued to worsen, and the decision was made to put her down.
I am heartbroken, but thankful that she was kind enough to spend her 10 years with me.
I’ve selected some of my favorite photos of Leeloo and created a collection on Flickr here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jbaty/albums/72157672738415752
Or if Flickr ever goes away, there’s a copy of them here: /galleries/leeloo2016/
I’ll miss my sweet Leeloo.