A test post using Netlify CMS
One of the things preventing “normal” people from using a static CMS is that there’s not a comfortable way to for them to edit and preview content. I myself prefer editing markdown in a local text editor. Most people don’t work well that way.
This post is being written in my browser using Netlify CMS. When saving, it’ll create a new markdown file in the Github repo and Netlify will automatically re-build the site and push it to the Netlify CDN.
Update 2017-03-17 It worked very well. The only thing I still need to deal with is adding Tags to the CMS UI. I tried using a “String” type but that put single quotes around the entire thing, breaking the build. Oh well. This is a nice way of editing existing posts via an easy-to-use web control panel, for times I’m not at my desktop computer.