Leica M4 is out of storage
Finally, I’ve gotten my beloved Leica M4 out of storage. It’s been in a case in my basement since last year’s move and that’s a shame.

Figure 1: Leica M4 with Voightlander 35mm f2.5 Color Skopar
The camera was made in 1966 and I bought it in 2009. It’s seen regular, if sporadic, use since then. I think it’s beautiful, and I especially like that it has the M3-style levers.
I have the tiny and terrific Voightlander 35mm Color Skopar on it. That lens is almost too small, but it makes fine images and was inexpensive.
It feels good to be using this setup again. I’ll run a few rolls through it and see if I still become fatigued shooting with no meter at all.