5 stars by default

Starting a new book. Watching a movie I haven’t seen. Listening to a new album. Trying a new restaurant. All of these things start with the question: Am I going to like it?
My new default answer is, “Yes, I am. I’m going to love it.” I give it 5 stars and I haven’t even tried it yet!
And it’s fine if it turns out otherwise. I’m allowed to not like things, too.
But why start out not liking things?
Why do so many people seem to be just itching to find fault? I don’t get it. Why not go in expecting to be amazed? For example, I watch all sorts of movies that I know are likely to be, say, mediocre. But, before I watch them, I don’t know, right? So why not sit back and prepare to love it? What if it’s great? Or even if it’s not great, what if there are just a few really good parts?
If a movie sucks I’m going to be disappointed, sure, but I prefer to be the kind of person who feels a little disappointed after watching a bad movie rather than the kind who yells and points, “See! I told it was terrible!” I don’t want to act like that.
Give things the benefit of the doubt, I say.