Fitbit again

A couple years ago I was fatter so <a href="">I bought a Fitbit</a> to help track my activity. I hoped it would trick me into being more active. It did, and as part of a diet-and-exercise plan I lost some weight and was certainly healthier. The novelty wore off eventually. I disliked having it in my pocket all the time, so I stopped using it.
Then I gained nearly 10 pounds.
Yesterday I went and bought a new <a href="">Fitbit Flex</a> as a way to (again) trigger an awareness of my activity levels. It's small, light, and thin enough on my wrist that it doesn't bother me as I type. It is comfortable enough to wear to bed, so this time I'll actually track my sleep, too.
I also started tracking food intake at <a href=""></a> . I hate keeping track of what I eat, but doing so really helps prevent me from overeating as much as I like to. After 24 hours I've learned that I spend most of my time sitting on my ass eating crappy food. Awareness is the first step to recovery, right?