Mailhub and Apple Mail
I’ve been reeling things in lately, software-wise. I’ll write more about that some other time, but I right now I want to share something I’ve found during the process.
Mailhub is “a ‘smart’ plug-in for Apple Mail that revolutionises email management”. Sounds great, but I haven’t used Apple Mail in years. I use MailMate, which is a fantastic email client.
Or at least I used to use MailMate.
After reading Dr. Drang’s Back to Apple Mail post, I realized that switching to the stock Apple email app would fit right in with the reel-things-in phase I’m going through. Dr. Drang mentioned Mailhub so I jumped right in.
Mailhub is terrific. It files mail like I’ve always wanted something to file mail. It feels and works like a tool I would have made, if I was able to do such a thing.

After a few days of this I’m quite happy to be using Mailhub and